Friday 30 May 2008

Work changes and Checkmate

Well, I was busy at the weekend then went down with a cold so didn't get the chance to tell you what had been decided. My colleague who is religious appreciated our supervisor's dilemma with her daughter so has decided that she will get in for 9am, possibly 8.45am so that 2 people can be here at 9am when we open, which we have to do very soon. That was that decided and we will be having a meeting with our line manager next week to discuss all what was said between us.

Checkmate - thought I'd finished rewriting the last chapter but decided to give my hero and heroine some conflict and get them arguing right near the end of the book. Will do that today then back to rewriting Chapter 1. Should be ready to print and send off to the RNA by the end of August, the deadline. I am hoping to get it to them by the time I go to the conference or at least the week after that. Talking of the conference, I got my timetable for it on Wednesday, and ever the keen person I am I have already chosen the talks I want to attend and emailed them to the organiser Jan. All I have to do now is to book my train tickets, that I'll do at the weekend, now that I now what time it starts and what time it ends. I can't wait.

Well, must look like I'm working now. Back soon.

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