Sunday 6 August 2023

The missing bits from the memoir - The 'Be Still' rule

There are a few things I know that I didn't put in my memoir, especially about when I was recovering at home. One of these was the difficulty I had doing every day things such as combing my hair as I wasn't allowed to lift my right hand above my head for six weeks. Why was this? Well, I had a pacemaker and its leads fitted, and to let them settle in properly you can't move about too much otherwise they wouldn't work too good. So when I came home in 2021 for six weeks I couldn't comb my hair properly, I couldn't wash it (it hadn't been washed for weeks anyway because of being in hospital), I couldn't moisturise my neck properly, I couldn't move the wheelie bins out by myself as I wasn't allowed to move/lift heavy things. Oh, and it was difficult to put on clothes over my head such as nighties or T-shirts. One of the carers I had did show me how to do it.

So why am I mentioning it now? Well, very soon, probably October, I am going to have to go into hospital again to have a pacemaker lead replaced as it is making extra noise. They want it changed before it causes any problems with me. I am going to have to follow the 'be still' rules for four weeks this time. I shall have to practise putting on clothes over my head like the carer taught me. And practise combing my hair with my left hand.

As I told the consultant, if I have to have it done, I will have it done. I am not looking forward to it as this time I have to go under general anaesthetic. Last time I had it done under local anaesthetic.

Meantime, I am making the most of my time at home in my own comforts, and getting on with my writing. I have plans to create more books and journals to go with my memoir (you can buy it from my website or from The Book Dragon website here I want to turn my memoir and its journals into a brand about resilience and make a business out of it alongside my children's books. I plan to take blank journals in to hospital with me this time so I can write in them when I feel like it, and get an idea of what I can put in the guides I want to write with the gratitude journals I have in mind.