Monday 17 March 2008

A busy weekend

I had a very busy and productive weekend. Saturday, in between going to the hairdressers, I managed to transfer the rest of my clothes from my old bedroom to my new one (my mum's old bedroom). I can't see me moving back into my old room anytime soon because over the weekend we found several live ladybirds, and as long as they are still coming in then I won't, and the window needs fixing because it's all rotten on the outside. The man is due to come the end of this month, fingers crossed. In the afternoon I typed up all that I'd written of Chapter 8 of Checkmate. Yesterday was food shopping in the morning and in the afternoon I wrote the end of Chapter 8 plus amended the reference pages for Rosie, and whilst reading my writing magazine on an article about writing for health and beauty, I had an idea for a letter to the magazine and an idea for a small view piece for the health magazine I subscribe to, which I jotted down. I'll probably type those up over Easter.

Well, phones are ringing here so must go.

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