Saturday 5 June 2010


I had my third Chatterbooks session this morning and believe it went well. I gave my talk about how Rosie got published, from first idea to being published, which included showing drafts, proofs, contracts and cover agreement. Then I answered questions on being a writer, and lastly I did my colour foods workshop, which I hadn't done before. It's pretty similar to my letter one I did at Manor House last month, in that instead of letters I had colours that everyone had to write foods that colour. I then asked them to write down if they had magical powers, how they'd get the foods to get people better. The two boys (brothers) both were fixated about germs and killing them. All in all I really enjoyed it and managed to sell one book, to the library.

My next talk/session will be at Bromley Oxfam for the Oxfam Bookfest in July, where I'll be doing a book reading, quiz with prizes for the children who have signed up for it, answering questions and a book signing.

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