Monday 26 April 2010

My Rubbish Diet Challenge

The weekend was good for my rubbish diet, esp yesterday. I decided to sort out one of my cupboard drawers downstairs and got rid of lots of papers and 2 old natural brochures. Now the drawer is looking very tidy. 3 more drawers to go. Also I took some old clothes and sandals to the textile bank when I went shopping at Sainsbury's. So very good clear out at the weekend. I have been composting tissues still but try not to put too many in, about 2 a day, and a couple in a bin and the rest down the toilet. Although my mum disagrees with that because tissues are a different paper to toilet roll and don't break down easily, so I tear the tissue up first before throwing it in the toilet. I do the same when I put it in the compost.

Well, must get on with work now.


Jenko said...

I have the same dilemma with tissues. How many tears do you normally do? I usually just tear in half and half again - do you think that's enough?

Julie Day said...

Jenko - I usually tear like you about 4-5 times before putting in compost caddy and down the loo.

Turkey - never thought of using hankies. But then they usually come in plastic don't they? And that isn't recycleable. Whereas, the tissue box is, apart from the plastic bit inside.

Almost Mrs Average said...

Tracey Smith, author of The Book of Rubbish Ideas recommends these hankies that can be found at:

I must admit I'm not great with cotton and still prefer paper. At least there is a wider range of recycled paper ones than there used to be.

Anyway, thanks so much for having a go at The Rubbish Diet and for writing about it. I'm looking forward to hearing more about how you get on.

Best wishes
