Tuesday 18 December 2007

Results - getting somewhere

Well, I saw the dr yesterday about my test results. He seems to think that my cortisol level is all stress-related, and I should think about reducing my stress levels. My mum said for me to give up work and I said I wish. Honestly though, at times I do wish I could give up work and concentrate properly on my writing. My cortisol level had actually gone down from last time so he seemed to think like the other dr that it wasn't the cause of my problems. He was going to contact the dr here I saw about Endocrine but decided to wait and see what my next test reveals - yes, I am to have yet another blood test. Thankfully it's during the holiday, New Year's Eve, so I don't have to worry about taking time off work for that and can relax at home as it's holiday. There is also another possibly for it. My thyroid. I haven't been tested for that, although I thought I had, so that's been put on the test form. We shall see. Watch this space. Following the news that the dr believes my high cortisol level is down to stress, I have already made one new year's resolution for next year. To not get stressed out so much, esp with family and at work. I know that I have been acting defensive and a bit aggressive towards my mum at times, which she has recently pointed out to me, and I want to try to fix that. Maybe if I relax a bit more and the body doesn't stress too much, my eczema will calm down and go. I might even do some relaxation exercises, perhaps yoga to help me stay calm. We shall see.

My work on Bug is progressing hard and nicely. I have now revised Chapter 11 and just need to read aloud Chapter 10 and 11. I managed to finish typing the rest of the first draft on Saturday and printed off Chapter 13, and will print Chapter 14 this weekend. Hopefully over the holiday I shall finish it entirely and get it ready to send to agents in the new year. I already have a draft query letter which I did as part of the Writing for Children course I did, and need to slightly adjust that for each agent I wish to write to. Sunday I typed up the animal story and think I just need to read that through and make some improvements. Once I've done that I shall start typing up the novella I want to target e-publishers with. I plan to be busy with writing projects over the break, so that in the new year I can start concentrating on my RS novel, Forgotten Memories, which now I know where I'm heading with that I'm looking forward to getting back with it.

I probably will be here again before Christmas, but would like to wish all readers here and my friends and acquaitances a Happy Christmas.

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