Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Me & Asperger's - the Masterclass venue

I am now going to post about what the venue was like for me as an Aspie. The pub called the Theodore Bullfrog is v near Charing Cross train station, but you couldn't hear the trains. It is down a side road, so you can't hear the traffic. But the room is above the working pub, so when it gets busy you can hear the customers downstairs, even with the doors shut. The room is quite big with room to walk around in and talk to others you know if you want to. The lighting is OK, it's not that dark. The only real noise you get is the clattering of the cooking in the kitchen which is upstairs too off the function room. So the staff often come in and out, through the room where you are. So, this might put some people off. I was OK with it as I have been there before so knew what to expect.

As I have said, it is v near the train station - just a couple of minutes walk down the road. Travelling isn't that bad, it being in a central location. That time of day (mid-morning and late afternoon), there weren't too many other passengers on the trains, so that wasn't bad either.

All in all. The location and venue of the talk is OK for me as an Aspie. The only gripe I had was the choice of food for me who is intolerant to dairy and gluten. All I could have and ordered was a bowl of cherry tomatoes and roasted peppers, which was OK and healthy. I took my own sandwiches and snacks.

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