Sunday 4 February 2018

A poem about visiting the dentist

I wrote this the evening after I had been to the dentist at Guy's. I had left home at 9.30am for my appointment at 10.30am, and didn't get home until 1.55pm. I was in there for just over two hours, then when I got to the train station, the train that was going to my stop suddenly announced it wasn't and I had to get another train which was 15 mins later. Phew. Here it is

I went to the dentist the other day,
and that's quite a story.
First of all
they asked me my medical history.

Then I saw the consultant
about my antibiotic cover,
so the treatment could begin.
when that was over,

They checked my teeth
to see if they were OK.
Another wait before
I had to have an X-ray.

I hate those bites
they make me gag,
so pleased it was done,
I picked up my bag.

Then another wait,
the X-ray showed I needed a filling
I have to go another day,
all that waiting, it was killing.

Then I got to the trains,
the one I find wasn't going to my stop,
yet another wait,
I felt like doing a strop.

I'd left home at 9.30,
it was now four hours later.
I was finally home,

so glad to see my mater.


A.Friend said...

I love your poem! Going to the dentist is horrible.

Blue Fox said...

I love the beat of your poem. Sounds like an awful day though.