Saturday, 3 March 2012

Writing goals - how have you done?

This is another follow up from the Masterclass in Feb. In the workshop we were asked to write 100 goals to do with writing, health, finance and other aspects of our lives. The few I mentioned in the first blog about this were: be known for my YA and romance fiction, keep off weight, and exercise more. This is to let you know how I am getting on. YA - the downloads are still going up for Railway Angel. I will shortly be publishing my second Angel story Racing Angel (last edits going out this weekend), and hope to publish another separate YA fantasy about a vain mermaid shortly after that. I feel that I am starting to get to be known for that genre in the ebook side of writing. Romance - this will start to bear fruition come May, when my first two ebooks in the Geraldine's Gems series will be published by Ebooks Emporium. I plan to self-publish a few romance stories in between those stories being epublished for me, so my readers don't have to wait for another read. I shall keep to the same theme as Gems, magic/fantasy. Watch this space...

Weight - that is going well. I am losing weight still on the Slimming World eating plan combined with more exercise. I have been managing to keep it off. If I come to a standstill then I will renew my efforts. I am exercising more. I have done a lot of walking this week, and plan to do some DVD exercise today and tomorrow. I have a Slimming World award to aim for. Again watch this space...

So how have you done with your goals? Let me know. Next time I will be blogging about how I go about working out my daily and weekly goals, hopefully with photos.


Christine said...

Good Morning, Julie,

Great minds think alike! Slimming World is a brilliant weight loss route. And well done on the exercise! I need to knuckle down to that.

Your writing sounds as if it's going really well. Keep us posted. I'm sure I follow you on the threads at WG2E etc.

Great post!

Julie Day said...

Hi, Christine. Welcome to my blog. I only found SW thru the Mirror paper who had free booklets in the new year, and thought it a great way to lose weight.

Will keep an eye out for your name on WG2E etc.