Saturday 26 October 2024

Five tips to help an autistic child cope with masking after school

 If you have an autistic child who's been to school, here are a few tips to help them when they are home.

1. Have an area or room where your child can unwind and relax without any disturbances.

2. If your autistic child looks tired or stressed (can be both after having masked), let them relax in their own room.

3. If they want to stim or have fun with their special interests, let them.

4. When they are relaxed, then ask them if they have homework and when it has to be done by. Plan when they can do this.

5. Have a planner to hand to book these slots.

Here is a book that you can read all about autistic masking.

I hope you have found this helpful.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Autistic masking at home

 I have been recording videos about autistic masking and what it is and how we mask. If you haven't listened to them yet, please do. They are on myYouTube channel

As I am tired today, I thought I would continue with the series but with this blog. I am going to talk about autistic masking at home. Here are my thoughts.

Do I, or have I masked, at home? When I thought about this for the blog, I felt that my answer was, no, not when I was with my family indoors. When someone visited or we visited them, that was a different matter. Looking back over the years, I don't recall having to mask when I was at home with my family. If someone came to see us or stay with us, usually relatives, I think I did mask. Having to say hello, be cheerful to them. Or if we went and visited them, which I am thinking of years ago as a child when we visited an aunt and uncle on my dad's side, I definitely did mask. I remember I would play with my cousins for a while, then after enough time I would find my mum and be with her. Either sitting down in the lounge area or in the kitchen where she was helping my aunt. It was always when we went out anywhere that I masked. To the shops, to relatives, to hospitals. Any where with other people. Not when I was indoors with my own family. I feel that it was as an adult, especially after I was diagnosed with Asperger's, that the mask slipped and I would sometimes reveal my autism self. It would be when we had visitors and the noise of the chatting got too much for my brain and I sensed it becoming an overload so would go to another room to keep calm and quiet.

So, as an autistic, do you mask at home?

Sunday 22 September 2024

What is autistic masking?

 Have you ever heard the term 'autistic masking' and wondered what it is? It is what autistics, like me, do to try to fit in with the people and environment we are in at the time. Here is my short explanation about it and a couple of times I now believe I masked over the years. Watch my latest video to find out here

As I mention at the end, like I always do, if you like what you have heard from me, please like and/or comment on the video. Also please subscribe to my channel. You will learn more about autism from me. I currently have 48 views and only posted it yesterday!

Happy listening.

Saturday 31 August 2024

Billy's children's books about autism recommendations

 Hello, Billy from Billy and the Sparkling Socks here.

I am here to tell you that as a writer and storyteller, one good way to learn about autism is to read books about autistic characters. As I am only eleven, here are a few recommendations of children's books featuring autistic characters, and most of them are written by autistic authors I have been told.

For teens

Geek Girl series by Holly Smale. The first one in the series is now on Netflix.

You can buy the book here

The State of Grace by Rachael Lucas

The Secrets of my Spectrum by Callum Knight (a memoir)

For middle school children

The Emily Edwards books by Laura Holt-Haslam

For 7-9 year-olds

The Rainbow School series including my (Billy) story Billy and the Sparkling Socks

The Pet Rescuers series featuring my classmates, Lyn and Pete.

(Contains affiliate links)

Happy reading. You can learn different things about autism and being autistic from each book.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Do squirrels like heights?

 (Note: this is the original cover that wasn't accepted by KDP. Read below to find out why).

Sorry I haven't been here recently. I have been busy with writing books, promoting and selling my books I've already published, and publishing new ones.

So, do squirrels like heights? Well, you will have to read Sammi's new and third adventure called 'The Dare' to find out. It took a bit longer to publish this book and here is why.

I started the publishing process on the Monday. I got so far on KDP where I had to upload the cover. I did that only to be told that KDP had a problem and that service wasn't available. I tried it a few times with the same result. I left it a few hours. I came back to it after lunch. It was working. But when I uploaded it and got to see it on the launch previewer screen, it was too small. I exited out of it and saved it. I then emailed my illustrator who did the cover as well and told her. I got back to it the next day and it worked this time. Success? Not quite yet. I then got an email from KDP to review the cover title. The series title wasn't clear enough on the cover and it blended in too much with the picture. It wasn't accepted. I forwarded that email to my illustrator who got to do it later that day. Success finally. Sammi's third story is now out in the world. I have two versions of the book to show. How? Well, when I first uploaded it all, I ordered a proof copy, which you should always do with a picture book, and that had the original cover that had to be changed. Once it was completely approved and published, I ordered a few author copies, including one for myself.

To see the new cover and read his third story, you can buy it here

Happy reading.

Sunday 28 July 2024

Sensory issues with clothes

I have recently made a video of me talking about sensory issues I have with clothes. There is one other sensory issue I have but it isn't to do with having Asperger's. It is to do with the scar I have from my heart surgery. Most of my clothes have pictures printed on them and not sewn so they don't have any backing. I do have a couple of nighties though that do. When I wore them last year during the hot weather, the backing on them did rub against my scar and make it itch. I had never had this problem before but now I do. I think I will be giving those nighties to a charity shop now that I can't wear them any longer.

To find out about my other sensory issues, check out my YouTube channel at

To find out more about me growing up with Asperger's, why not check out the Autism Parenting Magazine. I have had articles in it this year; January and this month. You can find the magazine here

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Is autism genetic? My view.


Yes, that is me when I first started secondary school back in the early 80s. Oh my. 

So, I know there has been some debate whether autism is genetic and runs in families. My view? Yes, it is and does. I know of lots of adults who are autistic and have autistic children. I know of adults who were diagnosed after their children were diagnosed with autism; the most known one in recent years being Christine McGuiness. I have Asperger's (yes, I know that's not on the spectrum anymore but it was what I was diagnosed with and I keep that), so did I get autism from a family member? The answer is - I believe from my dad. My dad died in 2019 but it was never mentioned to him and we didn't know. He had other major health issues to contend with over the years he lived but there were clues there that he was autistic. It was only when I was diagnosed in 2011 and was asked by the psychologists if I had a family member who also had Asperger's that we said my dad. 

So what clues were there that he was autistic? Well, the two that come to mind are calling out across the room to others, and he didn't keep eye contact with my mum when she spoke to him (this was when he was in hospital one time). Those are the two things that came to mind when we were asked.

So, do you believe that autism is genetic? Let me know.