Monday 28 October 2013

A writer networking - an interesting conversation with a publisher

Last Thursday evening I made my way by bus to Holborn to a pub where members of SCBWI-BI were having a social get together. I don't normally like pubs and going to social events, but when it comes to meeting up with other writers, I don't mind because I can talk away about what I do happily. Anyway, after a while there and having eaten a nice steak with chips and cherry tomatoes, another member whom I'd met before arrived. His name was John Anderson. When I last met him I didn't know that he was a director of a small publisher. Well, I got to talking about my book for 7-9s called 'Boring Billy and the Strange Socks' and he said to me 'Have you thought about getting it published as a graphic novel?' I replied, no, don't know how to do that. He said to just write it. When I told him all about my book, he said he was interested in it and to message him on Facebook. I'd never thought at all about getting it published as a graphic novel just as a normal mainstream series book, but all the way home on the bus, that's what I thought about, and I realised it had great merit. Thinking about my book, I could see that lots of it was visual and would be great in graphic. The more I thought about it, the more I came to realise it had good potential. So on Friday, I messaged John asking what to do. He replied Saturday to say send them the usual partial. So that is what I have done. Now I wait to see what he says about the partial. I can't wait. The partial is still with one agent and two other publishers. I am now excited about the series again, and want to get working on the next book about Charlie and his dyspraxia. I need to finish a short story first and send that out.

Watch this space...

Sunday 20 October 2013

Eating out on a day trip - then and now.

This is one of the posts I will write about food intolerances and travel. When I was able to eat certain foods and now that I can't. I shall start with day trips out to the seaside.

Years ago, my mum and I would go to Eastbourne for the day, a couple of times, during the summer. Way back then, I was able to eat dairy. So, during our day out, although we'd take our own lunch with us to eat, we would pop to the sea front and buy ourselves Magnum's. I used to love the caramel choc ones. So yummy. I'd enjoy sitting on a bench, looking towards the sea, and eating it with relish. One of the other foods I used love to buying and eating was fudge. It was one of my fave sweets. I loved the creaminess of it. It never used to last long when I got it home. But that was then, when I was able to eat dairy.

Now is a totally different story. The last time we went to Eastbourne was in 2005, when my mum passed out and broke her wrist. We've not been since as Mum hasn't done any long train journeys, and doesn't know how she'd cope with one. Anyway. in 2005, I knew I was dairy intolerant, so I couldn't eat what I used to. We still took our own lunches, but we'd take snacks with us, too. We'd have crisps and fruit bars to eat instead of buying ice creams and sweets. This is what we take when we go out for days now. How I miss those Magnums. But I know I wouldn't be able to eat them because they'd give me bad IBS, and I don't what that whilst I'm out.

So, do you have food intolerances? Do you have memories of what you could eat before you were diagnosed? And what are they? Let me know. I might do an article about this some day.

Sunday 13 October 2013

An Aspergirl helping and inspiring others with and about Asperger's Syndrome - another video

Welcome back to my Aspergirl series. Again, I am going to cross promote with being an Aspiepreneur and post about another video. When I first started making videos I didn't know what to talk about but then I had an idea - if affiliate marketing had helped me with my Asperger's (first video) then it could help others like me. So why not make videos to explain how it can help and why. So that it was I have done, and will keep doing as part of being an Aspiepreneur.

Here is my second Aspiepreneur video about why affiliate marketing is suitable for Aspies:

Enjoy, and let me know what you think by commenting on here or on my YouTube channel. I do hope that it helps and inspires you.

Friday 4 October 2013

Cross promotion - An Aspergirl being an Aspiepreneur and making videos

Today I am going to start cross promoting with my other blog, which is about affiliate marketing and how it can help people with Asperger's Syndrome, like me. I became an affiliate marketer in May when I joined Elite Marketing Pro. It wasn't until August, when they fully launched, that I made my first video. It is all abut how EMP has helped my communication skills. To watch it, you can find it here:

It took a few attempts to get it right and on YouTube. I tried doing it on the software on my laptop, but it was useless. It kept breaking up so people couldn't understand what I was saying. I ended up doing it on my digital camera, which is how I am now doing all my videos.

Let me know what you think.