Monday 2 May 2022

Happy May Day holiday

 To all of you who read this from the UK, Happy May Bank Holiday. The sun might not be out but at least it's not raining, yet. 

Sorry I've not been on here recently but life gets busy when you're a carer for your parent who's bedbound and has dementia, and has their own health matters to deal with including lots of appointments to attend. Thankfully the appointments seem to have decreased at the moment now that I've been out of hospital over a year. Where did that year go?

So, what have I been up to? Well, I have recently published a children's colouring book to go with my Rainbow School children's series. It's an A-Z of Autism and you can find it here

Also, I have had a short story accepted for an anthology about modern magic in life. My first story in an anthology and I am super excited about it. It means that my writing has merit with someone else. I will let you know when that comes out. It won't be yet as there will be edits to work on and then a contract to sign.

I am also working on my memoir still about having endocarditis. I am reading through it to make sure there aren't any more things I can remember to add in it. Then I will check through it with my diaries and calendars. I hope to have that out by September. The cozy mystery I hope to have finished and ready to publish for Christmas.

Meanwhile I am going to Sydenham library most weeks to take part in craft lessons, and have copies of my books with me. So, if you are near there on a Thursday lunch time, then come and say hello.

I think that is my current news for now. Any more and I will let you know, sooner than later.