Saturday 24 February 2024

Being an adult with a heart condition

I have talked about how I was as a child with a heart condition but what about when I got older and became an adult. Well. If I had to walk so far, then I would have to stop along the way and get my breath back. I would also get a stitch in my side. I couldn't walk too far or too fast. I would get that stitch, and/or get out of breath by the time I got to my destination. I certainly couldn't run that far, either. For the bus, yes, but that was it. The last time I remember really running for a bus was several years ago now. My mum and I had got to one bus stop to see the bus we needed to go on to where we wanted to get to. The bus had to go round a main route which included traffic lights to get to the next stop. We walked fast with a bit of running. We made it and got on the bus, but it really puffed me out. I had a stitch in my side, I was out of breath, and I had a pain in my stomach as I was gasping for air. It was the worse I had been that I recall. I vowed not to do that again. I don't think we did.

Now that I have had the surgery and don't have the hole-in-the-heart, I think I might be all right that way. I don't know yet as I now walk with a stick due to balance issues caused by the perimenopause. So at the moment just running a little bit makes my balance even worse. I would like to think that I would be able to move like that without the stitch and the breathlessness. We shall see. I plan to build up my walking over time when it is warmer.

#HeartAwarenessMonth #hearthealth #adultcongenitalheartdisease

If you want to find out what happened to me so that I no longer have that hole in the heart, then it is all in my memoir which can be found either via my website, The Book Dragon bookshop, Amazon or all other digital platforms as an ebook. 

Monday 19 February 2024

Childhood heart memories for Heart Awareness Month

 As mentioned in my last post it is Heart Awareness Month and I have been posting on social media all about heart health. I have also been posting bits about my memories of being a child with heart problems. Here is what I have been doing.

So I had a heart defect from birth. How did it affect me as a child? It made me physically slower than others. I remember when we played rounders at primary school (anyone else remember that?). I never used to be able to run past the first base. If I did, then I would stop, then run to the next point.

When I was at secondary school I was always one of the last to be chosen for team sports. I always knew that it was because I was quieter and slower than the others. I hated netball if I was in the team. Was anyone else the last to be chosen for team sports?

Another time I remember about being at secondary school with my then heart condition was a sports day. The rest of the school had to walk to the sports field, which was quite near the school but because of my heart condition I couldn't walk too far or fast so I was given permission to get a bus with a few others. Of course, the bus was late, so we were late. I think that when we got there we didn't know where to go either. When we finally found our school and class, the sports events had already started.

Do any of these relate to you, at all? Let me know either on the comments or find me on FB.