Wednesday 24 August 2022

Books at Beckenham - Meet local authors


If you are in or around Beckenham this Sunday, come and meet some local authors including me. As well as books being sold, there will be hopefully a storytime happening for children aged six upwards. I will be there selling my children's books and my new memoir 'Endocarditis - My Journey' all at special prices. You will get a free coloured paper bag of your choice (blue, black, green or red) and a bookmark to go with the memoir. Here is an excerpt of my memoir: 

September 2020

I can't remember what happened in this month, except I was still losing weight. It might have been this month that I started to experience another unpleasant symptom. I have never liked finding loose hairs in places they shouldn't be such as on soap bars or places where I eat. I can't recall how it started, but one day I found a loose hair and OMG, I felt ill! I wanted to be sick. I actually retched. This would happen quite often, and on a few occasions I was actually sick. I hated it. It put me off my food if I found one on the table as I was about to eat. I googled this. There is a name for it, but I can't recall it. What I do remember seeing is that one of the causes was infection. I didn't think anything of it. When I mentioned it to my mum, she said that she used to be like that when she was younger, so I thought that I had taken after her, like with a lot of other things. I didn't know that it was part and parcel, as they say, of a bigger health issue.

I hope to see lots of people there. 

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