I had my book launch yesterday and it was very successful. I got to the pub very early so had plenty of time to put up all my posters around the place and then had lunch with my mum and friend Heather. Then at 1pm my guests started arriving. I was pleased to see my work colleague Cathy arrive as she'd been ill all week with the flu, and then all the other guests arrived including someone else from work and another romance writer whom I didn't expect, so was a nice surprise. We had lots of chatting going on and I did my socialising bit, then at 2pm I did my book reading. I was very nervous about it but once I got talking I seemed to get i
nto it and had a round of applause at the end. Mum did say that I spoke too fast and I know I did in places, nerves you see. It was a practice run for the talk later this month. That's my mum with me behind the table I did my talk from and sold my books at. I got a few tips from fellow romance author Jean Fullerton about selling my books on Amazon and who told me what photos I need for my website. Thanks Jean. I managed to sell 12 books, which was to nearly all my guests and I thank everyone for buying one and making me some money. I hope that all had a great time and enjoyed it as much as I did. Pleased I did the launch after all the organising and nerves that went into it. What was also a nice and u
nexpected surprise was that 2 of my work colleagues brought me bouquets of flowers (seen her in vases). They are all sorts of daisy type flowers which I love. Because of having so much to take home with me yesterday, my uncle who came offered to go home early, get his car, come back and drive us home. I took up his offer. We were going for a meal afterwards but Mum was tired and I'd had enough so with 1 and 1/3 boxes of books left, my backpack, suitcase and the 2 bouquets of flowers, we had too much to carry so we were driven home. Thank you uncle Mike, it was much appreciated. All in all a successful afternoon albeit the manager giving us the bill at the end which we had to pay there and then. I will sort it out tomorrow with Pegasus to see if I can get reimbursed. A great time I had and pleased I did it. Now for the talk later this month...
Lovely to see a pic of you with your Mum, glad it went well. I do wish I could have been there. Fingers crossed for your next sale!
Nell, I have everything not just my fingers crossed for my next sale. I hope that lots of children with parents will be there at the talk later this month.
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